Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Why do we let them define terrorism?

"The assault on the World Trade Center was unpardonable, but it is important not to lose perspective, especially a historical one….The scale and consequence of the September 11 attack are massive indeed, but this is not the worst act of mass terrorism in U.S. history, as some U.S. media are wont to claim. The over 3,000 lives lost are irreplaceable, but one must not forget that the atomic raids on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 210,000 people, most of them civilians, most perishing instantaneously."--Walden Bello, Dilemmas of Domination.

For folks who don't know, or maybe you think its just conspiracy, the US government knew about the attacks on Pearl Harbor before it happened. They saw the planes coming in before the attack they refused to do any thing about it because they needed a reason to attack Japan and get Americans behind the cause as such with 9/11 false flag. One of the biggest reasons for the attack on Japan was, they refused to be apart of the political pushing agenda of the US in it's pursing of World Domination through the use of corporations. In other words, corporate sponsored dictators and bottom line is money. It is obvious, money rules the world but most do not seem to think deep enough about the consequences of that. If people would take the time and reflect, look at American history, ponder on the world around you, meditate on what life is and how important other human beings are, i believe in each of us there is that deep sense that something is wrong. That we could make the world a little better place then what it is. We do have answers we have solutions but we must make our voices heard. The majority are still sleeping as if there is no care in the world completely missing what real life is about. If they would wake up and see that there is so much more they can offer in contributing to the suffering of humanity, i believe they would find purpose, you know that little thing everybody seeks. Unfortunately, they would rather give people man made drugs and numb them out instead of facing reality. There is no such thing as the grieving process in this country just push them down and move on, all the while crippling your emotions and stunting your growth in who you really are and suppose to be. Sac cloth and ashes.

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